Our Business
Original Habeshawit Coffee
Member of the Specialty Coffee Association of Europe
Reichersberg and Vienna
E: office@habeshawitcoffee.com
P: +43 677 623 902 00
Opening Hours: Wednesday 2-5 pm
Saturday 2-5 pm
By Appointment: +43 677 623 902 00
Öffnungszeiten: Mittwoch 14-17 Uhr
Samstag 14-17 Uhr
Nach Vereinbarung: +43 677 623 902 00
What's going on in Austria?
Reichersberg is our main hub of operation and we roast coffees for our clientele on spot. Strategically located we've access to main transport routes in Austria and Germany, which gets coffee to our clients on time.
Being located in Austria, one of the most unique places to experience coffee house culture, we're on the hunt for a pristine location in Vienna to present our coffee and ceremony to coffee lovers.
We offer contract roasting for companies and organisations allowing to offer their "own" coffees. We provide raw material, our equipment and know-how to design an unique flavour profile for our clients.
Addis Ababa
Whats going on in Addis?
Addis is the center of our operation with regards to
- sourcing coffees in different regions for export
- planning for coffee volumes and sustainable supply
- liaising with local roasters
- working with and supporting local communities